System Updates Track, room Aula Magna |
8.30 | Registration | | | |
9.15 | Welcome address: Prof. Alessandro Paccagnella | Deputy Rector for International Affairs | University of Padova | Italy |
9.30 | Chairman Opening: Dr.Oscar Pozzobon | President | Qascom | Italy |
9.40 | Matthias Petschke | Director of EU Satellite Navigation Programs | European Commission | Belgium |
10.00 | Carlo Des Dorides | Executive Director | European GNSS Agency (GSA) | Check Republic |
10.20 | Col. Flaviano Palazzi | Galileo Competent PRS Authority of Italy | Presidency of The Council of Ministers | Italy |
10.40 | Alberto Tuozzi | Head for satellite communications and navigation | Italian Space Agency (ASI) | Italy |
11.00 | Coffe Break | | | |
11.40 | Massimo Mercati | Head of ESA Security Office | European Space Agency (ESA) | The Netherlands |
12.00 | Go Takizawa | Executive Director of QZSS Strategy | National Space Policy Secretariat | Japan |
12.20 | Jörg Hahn | Head of Galileo System Procurement Service | European Space Agency (ESA) | The Netherlands |
12.40 | Lunch Break | | | |
14.40 | James J. Miller | Deputy Director, Policy & Strategic Communications,Space Comm & Nav | NASA | USA |
15.00 | Lisa Valencia | Project Manager for the Autonomous Flight Termination System (AFTS) | NASA | USA |
15.20 | Prof. Werner Enderle | Head of Navigation Office, ESOC | European Space Agency (ESA) | Germany |
15.40 | Prof. Todd Walter | Director, GPSLab | Stanford University | USA |
16.00 | Coffe Break | | | |
16.30 | Dr. Ignacio Fernández-Hernández | Galileo Authentication and CS Manager | European Commission | Belgium |
16.50 | Makoto Tomitaka | Associate Senior Engineer of QZSS Strategy Office | National Space Policy Secretariat | Japan |
17.10 | Alessandro Ambri | head of PRS Group | Leonardo | Italy |
17.30 | Martin Foulger | Director | Spirent | UK |
17.50 | Prof. Paolo Villoresi | Head of Quantum Information group | University of Padova | Italy |
18.10 | Chairman closing of DAY 1 | | | |
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Program June 19 2019 | | | | |
Application Track, room Archivio Antico |
8.30 | Registration | | | |
9.00 | Gabriele Pirazzi | PRS Officier | Presidency of The Council of Ministers | Italy |
9.20 | Mark Holbrow | Dir. Positioning R&D Engineering | Spirent | UK |
9.40 | Mario Sommaruga | CTO and Capability - Galileo Product Manager | Leonardo | Italy |
10.00 | Stefano Beco | Head of Innovation & Technology | Telespazio | Italy |
10.20 | Coffe Break | | | |
11.00 | Detlef Flachs | Head of Future Programs Navigation | Airbus | Germany |
11.20 | Livio Marradi | Head of receiver unit | Thales Alenia Space | Italy |
11.40 | Francesco Rispoli | Manager for satellite applications | Hitachi Rail | Italy |
12.00 | Erik Schoenemann | Navigation Support Office - ESOC | European Space Agency | Germany |
12.20 | Giovanni Gamba | Head of Attack detection Systems | Qascom | Italy |
12.40 | Lunch Break | | | |
14.10 | DEMO SESSION Sala colonne / area coffe break | Demonstration of Secure Navigation testing and mitigation technologies | Parralel Key note speeches in Archivio antico | |
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Program June 19 | | | | |
Research Track, room Aula Nievo |
8.30 | Registration | | | |
9.00 | Giorgio Solari | Head of NAVISP Innovation Program Office | European Space Agency (ESA) | France |
9.20 | Prof. Fabio Dovis, | Head of Navigation signal Analysis and Simulation (NavSas) group | Politecnico of Turin | Italy |
9.40 | Dr. Nicola Laurenti | Head of GNSS group | Department of Information Engineering University of Padova, | Italy |
10.00 | Daniele Borio | Galileo group | JRC, European Commission | Italy |
10.20 | Coffe Break | | | |
11.00 | Alexander Rügamer | Group Manager Specialized GNSS Receivers | Fraunhofer Institute | Germany |
11.20 | Prof. Thomas Pany | Head of Navigation Group | universität der bundeswehr münchen | Germany |
11.40 | Dr. Cillian O'driscoll | Director | O'Driscoll consulting | Ireland |
12.00 | Dr. Jose A. Lopez-Salcedo | Associate Professor | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) | Spain |
12.20 | Cosimo Stallo | Senior Researcher | Radio Labs | Italy |
12.40 | Lunch Break | | | |
14.10 | DEMO SESSION Sala colonne / area coffe break | Demonstration of Secure Navigation testing and mitigation technologies | | |